Typescript 學習筆記 - Section 3
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Section Overview#
這章節主要會介紹 Type Annotation 跟 Type Inference
Type Annotation and inference#
Plain Definition + Overview#
Type Annotation - 指的是我們告訴 Typescript 我們宣告的變數 type 是什麼 Type Inference - Typescript 主動去判斷變數的 type 是什麼
已複製!// apple's type is number const apple: number = 5; // typescript will throw error let apple: number = 5; apple = 'asdfdsfds'; let speed: string = 'fast'; let hasName: boolean = true; let nothingMuch: null = null; let nothing: undefined = undefined; // build in object let now: Date = new Date(); // object literal annotations let colors: string[] = ['red', 'green', 'blue']; let myNubmers: number[] = [1, 2, 3]; let truths: boolean[] = [true, true, false]; // Classes class Car {} const car: Car = new Car(); // object literal let point: { x: number; y: number } = { x: 10, y: 20, }; // Function const logNumber: (i: number) => void = (i: number) => { console.log(i); }; // type annotation // typescript will determine apple's type should be number let apple = 5;
已複製!// const color is variable declaration // 'red' is variable Initialization const color = 'red';
如果宣告變數(declaration)以及初始化(initialization)都是在同一行程式碼,Typescript 會自動判別 color 的 tpye 應該要是什麼, 所以在一般情況下我們可以使用 type inference 在任何地方,Type annotations 只會用在三種情境
- 當我們宣告變數跟初始化變數不在同一行程式碼
- 當我們宣告的變數沒辦法被 inferred
- 當 function 回傳'any' type,並且我們需要明確定義 type
The 'Any' Type#
已複製!// When to use annotations // 1) Functions that return the 'any' type const json = '{"x": 10, "y": 20}'; const coordinates = JSON.parse(json); console.log(coordinates); // {x: 10, y: 20} // Typescript will not recognize the error coordinates.dfgfdsgdfg;
因為 JSON.parse 會回傳的 type 可能是 number, string, object, etc..., 所以 JSON.pars 回傳的 type 是 any any 在 Typescript 也是一種型別,Typescript 並沒有辦法去檢查正確的 property references 在任何情況下應該避免使用'any'
已複製!// fix the any type const json = '{"x": 10, "y": 20}'; const coordinates: { x: number, y: number } = JSON.parse(json); console.log(coordinates); // {x: 10, y: 20} // Typescript will throw the error coordinates.dfgfdsgdfg;
Delayed Initialization#
已複製!// 2) When we declare a variable on one line // and initializate it later let words = ['red', 'green', 'blue']; // change to foundWord: boolean let foundWord; for (let i = 0; i < words.length; i++) { if (word[i] === 'green') { foundWord = true; } }
When Inference Doesn't Work#
已複製!// 3) Variable whose type cannot be inferred correctly let numbers = [-10, -1, 12]; let numberAboveZero = false; for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) { if (number[i] > 0) { // typescript will throw error numberAboveZero = numbers[i]; } }
已複製!let numberAboveZero: boolean | number = false;