Typescript 學習筆記 - Section 1


這是有關於Udemy線上課程Typescript The Complete Developer's Guide的學習筆記,導師是Stephen Grider。 我滿喜歡這位老師的教學方式,之前就有買過一些他的課程,課程講解大都淺顯易懂,講解過程會有圖型解釋跟流程圖方便理解觀念。


Typescript Overview#

What is Typescript#

Typescript 其實就只是 javascript + a type system,在寫 Typescript 的時候其實就只是在寫 javascript。這個 type system 可以幫助我們

  • 在開發時 debug,找到 error
  • 使用 type annotation 分析程式碼
  • 只會在 development 環境 active
  • 不會有任何效能提升

當我們在開發 Typescript code(javascript + type annotation)的時候,經過 Typescript Compiler 編譯,轉譯成 Plain old javascript,brower 在執行這些 javascript,從 brower 端並不會知道我們程式碼是用T ypescript 編寫


// index.ts axios.get(url).then((response) => console.log(response.data));

then run tsc index.ts,這會將 ts 檔案編譯成 js 檔,產生index.js,接著便可以 run node index.js。 也可以執行ts-node index.ts,將兩個指令tsc index.tsnode index.js合成一個。


// index.ts interface Todo { id: number; title: string; completed: boolean; } axios.get(url).then((response) => { const todo = response.data as Todo; // typescript compiler will detect error const ID = todo.ID; const title = todo.Title; const finished = todo.finished; console.log(` The Todo with ID: ${ID} Has a title of: ${title} Is it finished? ${finished} `); });

fixed to

// index.ts interface Todo { id: number; title: string; completed: boolean; } axios.get(url).then((response) => { const todo = response.data as Todo; // typescript compiler will detect error const id = todo.id; const title = todo.title; const completed = todo.completed; console.log(` The Todo with ID: ${id} Has a title of: ${title} Is it finished? ${completed} `); });

定義 log function

// index.ts interface Todo { id: number; title: string; completed: boolean; } axios.get(url).then((response) => { const todo = response.data as Todo; // typescript compiler will detect error const id = todo.id; const title = todo.title; const completed = todo.completed; logTodo(id, title, completed); }); const logTodo = (id: number, title: string, completed: boolean) => { console.log(` The Todo with ID: ${id} Has a title of: ${title} Is it finished? ${completed} `); };